Thursday, May 22, 2008

29 Weeks!

Today was another great doctor's appointment. First, I had an ultrasound. Both babies are in the vertex position. The tech said at 32 weeks they generally stop turning around. Hopefully Baby A will get nice and cozy in this position!! Her head was behind Baby B, so we were unable to see her face. The ultrasound pics didn't turn out as clear as previous ultrasounds. I think it is because they are much bigger now!

Baby A 2 lbs 15 oz. 53rd percentile
Baby B 2 lbs 13 oz. 49th percentile
Blood pressure: 114/70 (must have been all that walking...not!)
Fundal height: 35 weeks
Weight gain: 33-35 pounds?

I joked that something must be wrong with his measuring tape because my fundal height was 32 weeks just a week ago. Of course, it depends on how they are positioned. I also mentioned he did say last week that I was about to get "wide." He claims I am putting words into his mouth and he did not say "wide." LOL He did say it because I remember thinking it was a very candid thing to say to a pregnant woman. Luckily, I'm not easily offended. I thought it was funny actually. I appreciate honesty!

I return in two weeks and at this point I start the Fetal Non-Stress tests. I will return weekly for appointments and non-stress tests until the babies are born. My next ultrasound is June 26th and I will be 34 weeks. I can't believe I am almost to weekly appointments! I think it might be time to buy some diapers and bottles!

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