Wednesday, April 9, 2008

23 Weeks

First, let me start my post by getting my whining out of the way, and then I can move on to the good stuff. I have had heartburn for about 32 hours now. Well, I was sleeping during some of it, but I have been awake for at least 25 or so hours of it. I think I'm dying. I have taken Pepcid, Tums, Gaviscon and Zantac and nothing has helped. This can't possibly last much longer, can it? It doesn't matter what I eat or don't eat. It has no mercy. Yesterday when I said something, Addison said, "Heartburn?" Today I said I didn't feel well and she said, "Mommy needs medicine." Then she put her little lovey blanket on my belly in hopes to make things better. So sweet!

Moving on! Hopefully this heartburn will too!

Today was my fourth ultrasound. Everything looked great! Baby A is still breech and Baby B has turned breech. They could turn many more times between now and when they are born, so hopefully Baby A will at least find a comfy position that is head down! If Baby A is breech then it's an automatic c-section.

Here's their stats:

Baby A (Landry Elise...still pending on Elise)

Weight: 1.2 ounces (49th percentile)
Heart rate: 146 bpm

Baby B (Name pending at Landon Reid or Reid something)

Weight: 1.3 ounces (51st percentile)
Heart rate: 146 bpm

I measured at 28.5 weeks. Blood pressure was 120/80 and weight gain is about 30 pounds. My doctor was very pleased with everything he saw, so my next appointment will be in one month and next ultrasound will be in six weeks. From there he said I will come in every two or three weeks.

That's all for now, and I still have heartburn!!!! UGH!

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