Thursday, February 21, 2008

16 weeks

This pregnancy is flying by!!! It's only one week and one day until the level II ultrasound. I can not believe it! How very exciting! I hope the babies are doing ok. Baby B is seriously high up or something because his/her side of the belly feels tight and very uncomfortable. I wish she/he would scoot down just a bit! It's too soon to be feeling this way. So far I have gained about 13 pounds. I'm not gaining the recommended two pounds a week, but I don't think my doctor will say anything about that. At this point with Addison, I had only gained four or five pounds. I'm way ahead of that! Weight gain is steady and that's what is important! I did send David out at 10 p.m. the other night to get me a Shamrock shake, but McD's let me down. He came home with strawberry. Oh well. That was his first night run ever and it was a failed mission. Not his fault though!
Here I am at sixteen weeks preggers with Addison on the left and the twins on the right. Sorry if skin freaks you out, but you've been to the beach right? Not a big deal. But, I'll try and keep my shirt on if it bothers you! Every four weeks during my first pregnancy I took pics of the belly to see the progress, so the next one will be at 20 weeks. Should be interesting.Here's 12 weeks, Addie left, twins right, for a reference point. Very boxy, maybe it will round out. haha

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