Saturday, June 7, 2008

Baby Shower!

Today my good friend Cathy threw me a baby shower! It was a lot of fun and Cathy is like a Martha Stewart host! It was lots of fun and baby Landon is well equipped now with onesies, and blue stuff! I was spared from shower games such as get a length of toilet paper which you think will be the circumference around pregnant person's belly. I love you Cathy. A true friend indeed!!! Cathy had all sorts of yummy things that she made. A true chef! It was great to see my friends who I have not had a chance to be around in a long time. Hopefully with less responsibility, for a few weeks at least, I can see my friends a bit! Here I am with my friend Kelly on the left and Cathy on the right:

My yummy cake (It's supposed to say "Pink and Blue, We Welcome You," but I guess someone interpreted the statement different!) Yummy, none-the-less!

Thanks to all my friends who were able to attend and thank you Cathy!!!

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