Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Oh Tooth Fairy, where are you?

Tonight we moved Landon's bed from Addison's room to Landon's room, and broke down the cribs. We put the crib mattresses in Addison's room while we wait for the girl's beds to be delivered. Landon didn't want to be alone (go figure), so we were all camped out in Addison's new room trying to go to sleep. Just when things were winding down, Addison burst out, "I lost my tooth." She was so excited!! The tooth has been wiggly for a couple of weeks now, but super wiggly today! Here are pics of her new smile:
Check out the new smile!

So proud and excited!

See my tooth?

I'm going to put it in here!

And then put it under my pillow!

She covered it and then took it out again to make sure it was still there. We almost lost it twice since she wanted to check!

Addison was super excited to go to bed. She wanted to know how the tooth fairy would get in the house. I said I didn't know, but I would leave the door unlocked just in case!