Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Playdate with Zach

It's the best time of year to go to the zoo. Zoo Boo! The temps are usually cooler and the park is all decked out for Halloween! We decided to meet up with our good friends Jen-nay and Zach and see what the animals were up to!
Just waiting for our buddies to come!

Can't pass up the photo op the tree presented!

Our friends Jen-nay and Zach and baby-on-the-way!

Monkey see, monkey do!

A fun new thing. Pay for some lettuce leaves and get up close to the giraffe. And give him a little snack-a-roo! Landon didn't end up giving him the leaf because he thought his tongue was a snake.

Jen-nay isn't afraid, she's trying to stay out of the shot. It's ok Jen-nay, go in!

Landry wanted to push Zach for a bit! Landon wanted to push the double stroller.

They loved the chimps! The chimps were eating nuts and popsicles!

How cool is it to climb into the fish tank!

To end the day, we took the train ride! They were pretty wiped out at this point. Landry fell asleep after two minutes in the car! Another successful day at the zoo!

1 comment:

Annie said...

What a great zoo. It have lots of fun things to do with kids. Nice pictures.