Happy Birth Day to Landry Elise and Landon Reid. Born today, July 4th, at 3:30 a.m.(Landry) and 3:41 a.m. (Landon).
At 8:30 on July 3rd I called the doctor's office to let them know I was still having frequent contractions on the higher dose of terbutaline. They scheduled an appt. for 2 that afternoon. I had a feeling I would be admitted to the hospital, so I packed and brought my bag. The non-stress test showed two contractions and lots of irritability for the 20 or so minutes while I was on the monitor. Dr. A did an exam and said I was 80% effaced and 2-3 cm. dilated. On Monday, I was only 1centimeter dilated. Since these contractions were obviously changing things, he said to go ahead and go to the hospital and he'd try and stop them.
Around 4:00 off to the hospital I went. He started me on a pretty high dose of magnesium sulfate. The first hour or so I noticed about six contractions, but the next hour they were becoming more frequent and stronger. By 11:30 the doctor on call said she called my doctor to tell him that they weren't stopping and he said to go ahead and move me to labor and delivery. I was shocked!!!
The sequence of events:
11:45 p.m. Dr. A shows up at hospital to deliver me (Yay!!! I was so excited!)
12:00 a.m. 2 centimeters dilated and Pitocin is started
2:15 a.m. 4 cm dilated and Epidural is administered
3:00 a.m. 10 cm dilated and nurse says I'm ready to push. What? Holy smokes, that was fast. She calls the doctor and asks if he would like for her to have me start pushing in the room or go ahead and move me to the operating room where they will be delivered. He says to start where we are. She has me push one time and says stop. Baby Landry is RIGHT there so we head off to the operating room.
3 to 3:30 a.m. They move me and prep me. Just when they have me in position, they scoot me down and then all of a sudden they are telling me to stop talking. Landry started to come out without any pushing at all. That was easy. Dr. A cuts her cord, gives David and I a quick look and she's off to the NICU for evaluation.
3:30-3:40 a.m. Dr. A sees how Landon comes down and is head first and is helping him. I hear something about a cord around his neck. Turns out the cord was wrapped around his neck three times. From what I understand, after his head was out, Dr. A. unwrapped the cord, but then there was a knot in the cord. Dr. A. had to undo the knot inside of me and had to force Landon's head out of the way. Something about cutting the cord before he was all the way delivered to do undo the knot. Poor Landon took a beating with Dr. A trying to do this and his little face was all bruised. Dr. A says he has never had to do that trick before. Thankfully there weren't any complications with it and Landon cried right away. He was whisked off to the NICU too.
Both babies spent about 7 hours in the NICU for observation. Neither required any oxygen or other support. We are very blessed to have two healthy babies. Landon went to the well baby nursery first, but ended up back in NICU because he couldn't maintain his body temp. He went back to the well baby nursery after a few hours and has been there since. Both babies are doing fantastic and we might be able to take them home with us if they keep doing so well.
Happy Birthday Landry and Landon. Big sister Addison can't wait to meet you!!!!
Landry Elise:
Date/Time of Birth: July 4, 2008 at 3:30 a.m.
Weight: 5 lbs. 10 ozs.
Length: 18.5 inches
Landon Reid:
Date/Time of Birth: July 4, 2008 at 3:41 a.m.
Weight: 5lbs. 5 ozs.
Length: 18.75 inches